
A Passion for God’s Love
The Irish Catholic has an article for the Passionist Jubilee written by our Provincial, Father James Sweeney CP. He writes: “We can try to turn away from suffering, as it can seem overpowering. St Paul of the Cross shows us how to respond to suffering, taking it on board within ourselves, uniting it with a deep ...

New Province Facebook Page
As part of our Passionist Jubilee celebrations, we are inaugurating a new Facebook page for St Patrick’s Province. It is called Passionists – Ireland and Scotland. The page will be a way of keeping you informed about what is happening in our Province and what events (in the physical or virtual world) are being held ...

Renewing our Mission
November 2020 marks the third centenary of the founding of the Passionists by St Paul of the Cross. Theer will be a special Jubilee Year of celebrations to mark this significent anniversary. Here is a short video presentation of the Passionist Jubilee Year which takes up the theme of our 2018 General Chapter, “Renewing our Mission”. ...

Passionist Jubilee Year
In Rome on Sunday, 22 November, at 10.15 am (Rome time – which will be 9.15 am in Ireland and Scotland), the Passionist Congregation inaugurates the Jubilee for its 300 years of foundation. The ceremony begins (10.30) with the opening of the Holy Door of the Basilica of St. John and Paul in Rome and continues with ...

Message to the Passionists from Pope Francis
Pope Francis has sent a Message to Father Joachim Rego, Superior General of the Passionists, to mark the Third Centenary of the Founding of the Congregation. In his message, Pope Francis reflects on the three elements of renewal which were highlighted by the Passionist General Chapter in 2018: Gratitude, Prophecy and Hope. He writes: Your ...

Jubilee Novena in St Mungo’s
2019 is a special 150th anniversary year in three houses of our Province. In 1869 the Passionists went to Belfast to open a new community at Ardoyne, dedicated to the Holy Cross. In the same year, the recently founded St Joseph’s community in Paris moved to a new house and church on Avenue Hoche. 12 ...

Reflection on the Missionary Spirit of Blessed Dominic Barberi
Our Superior General, Fr Joachim Rego C.P., has sent us a letter on Blessed Dominic and soon-to-be Saint John Henry Newman, whose canonisation will take place on 13 October 2019. You can read the letter here.

Final Profession of Aidan O’Kane C.P.
Brother Aidan O’Kane C.P. made his Perpetual Profession of Vows in the Church of St Paul of the Cross, Mount Argus on 8 September 2019. His profession was received by the provincial superior, Fr James Sweeney C.P. Aidan was welcomed and congratulated by his Passionist brothers after he made his vows. A large number of ...

Diaconate Ordination of Antony Connelly C.P.
Bishop Noel Treanor ordained Antony Connelly C.P. to the Diaconate in Holy Cross Church, Ardoyne, Belfast on 29 June 2019. Antony, who is currently a member of the St Mungo’s community in Glasgow, had made his novitiate at Holy Cross. At present he is working in the Catholic Chaplaincy at City of Glasgow College and Glasgow ...

Message for the Feast of St Paul of the Cross
In this 150th anniversary year of the Canonisation of St Paul of the Cross, Fr Joachim Rego CP, Superior General, writes: As we commemorate the feast of St Paul of the Cross in this year which marks the 150th anniversary of his canonization, we are encouraged by the living spirit of this Saint who keeps challenging us to follow ...