Prayer and Community

The Passion of Jesus Christ is the centre of our identity, our living and apostolic power. Community life is essential to the life of the Passionist. The community is the place where the Passionist lives out the exhortation of the Lord “By this love you have for one another everyone will know that you are my disciples” – words quoted by St. Paul of the Cross on his death-bed. We respect the dignity and equality of every member, and encourage one another in developing individual personality talents and abilities. We feel called to be leaven and salt of the earth and to live our lives in community “bearing one another’s burdens” (Galatians 6:2) so that God’s Kingdom may take root in our world today.

Prayer is the life-blood of the Passionist. We look towards the Crucified Christ conscious that God saved the world not by the sword but by the Cross. We appropriate that reality into our lives by personal and community prayer. It is through our moments of prayer that the Passionist is slowly transformed into the living image of Christ and thus called to serve especially those who are sharing in his Passion today. The Eucharist is the summit and supreme expression of our prayer where we are nourished and sent to be His witnesses in the world today.

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